Spay & Neuter Surgery in Plantsville

Spay or neuter surgery at the appropriate age affords your pet health and behavior benefits as well as helping to reduce the countless number of homeless animals. Here at Apple Valley Veterinarians, we believe that all pets which are not carefully being used in a breeding program should undergo a spay or neuter procedure. Read on to learn more.

Spay Surgery

Spay surgery on female cats and dogs involves removing the entire reproductive tract. Our veterinarians make a small incision right below the mid-belly from which the organs are extracted and surgically  removed. The incision is securely closed with several layers of sutures. Typically, the spay surgery procedure takes 60 minutes for a dog and 30 minutes for a cat.

Neuter Surgery

During the neuter surgery for dogs,Dr. Freiman or Dr. Rothstein, our veterinarians in Southington, removes the testes through a small incision. In male cats, two incisions are made, one for each testis. The procedure takes less time than a spay.

The Neuter and Spay Surgery Procedures

Although these should not be considered trivial surgeries with the proper protocols and equipment and the hands of an experienced surgeon, the risks are small in a healthy patient. After a thorough pre-surgical exam and assessment, our Plantsville veterinarians design a specific anesthesia plan for your dog or cat. During surgery, a trained assistant monitors your pet’s vital signs, and after surgery, we continue to keep your pet under close observation until he or she has fully emerged from anesthesia and is resting comfortably. Pain medication is administered before, during, and after surgery. Our doctors recommend hospital rest overnight and restricted activity at home for a period of time that will be discussed when your pet is discharged.


After surgery, pets are moved into a calm place to recover. They typically awaken after 15 minutes and can get up and walk around; however, most cats and dogs are groggy and will often sleep more for the following 18 to 24 hours. The veterinarian prescribes pain medication so they remain comfortable, which is the reason we prefer to keep them overnight. When you get your pet home, we recommend crating to minimize activity.

Risks with Spay and Neuter in Plantsville

Sometimes precipitating factors can either make the procedure more difficult or prevent us from performing the surgery altogether. Older and obese pets have an increased risk of complications, as do female dogs during their “heat” periods. For these higher risk procedures, the veterinarian develops an individual plan for managing the surgery and recovery periods. Younger, active dogs also have a higher risk for complications because of their playfulness which can cause swelling at the incision site.

Age for Spay and Neuter Surgery in Plantsville

Although some veterinarians perform the neuter and spay surgery as early as 8 weeks of age, based on the latest evidence, we believe early sterilization may have negative health effects. We recommend that pets be at least 6 months of age.

Benefits of Spay and Neuter Surgery

For females, the risks associated with cancer of the reproductive organs as well as uterine infections is eliminated and the risk of developing potentially dangerous mammary tumors greatly reduced. For males, the risk of testicular cancer is eliminated and behavior benefits include decreased aggression, less urge to roam, and, in tom cats, less urge to mark territory and decreased urine odor.

No matter what your pet’s health need, you are in the safest and most competent hands with our veterinarians in Southington, Dr. Eric Rothstein and Dr. Herbert Freiman. Contact us now at (860) 628-9635 to learn more about our spay and neuter procedures and other services at Apple Valley Vets in Plantsville.