January is National Train Your Dog Month, created to bring awareness to the importance of training and socializing your dog. Now is the perfect time to start on a pet behavioral training program with your favorite canine. Here’s why training your dog is so important.
- Your dog doesn’t exist in a bubble. As part of your family, he will meet your friends, play with your kids, and sleep in your home. Training makes integrating your dog into the family much easier.
- Training will strengthen your bond with your dog. It’s true! Training exercises will build trust, understanding, and mutual respect between you and your dog.
- Training will help keep your dog safe. Accidents happen, and over the course of your dog’s lifetime, there’s a good chance that someone will leave the door open, or your dog will slip out of his collar. A dog that can be controlled with a voice command will remain safe in all kinds of dangerous situations.
- Your trained dog will be happier. Why? Because you won’t have to lock him up when visitors come calling. You will enjoy long, leisurely walks together, and outings will be a pleasure because your dog doesn’t drag you through town, bark at strangers, or jump on children.
How To Get Started with Dog Training
We won’t pretend that training your dog is easy, but it can be a fun and mutually beneficial endeavor. Here are a few tips to get you started.
- Call Fran at Apple Valley Vets, your Plantsville veterinary hospital. We can refer you to a trainer or local obedience class that will be a good fit for you and your dog.
- Get your whole family involved. If you are trying to change specific behaviors, it’s important that everyone helps out. If only one person works on keeping the dog off the couch while everyone else turns a blind eye, the training simply won’t work.
- Learn as much as you can. The internet can be a wonderful resource when learning a new skill. Just be sure that your information comes from reputable dog trainers.
For more information about dog socialization and training, call Fran at Apple Valley Veterinarians in Southington, CT at (860) 628-9635. We’re committed to helping you with all of your animal care needs.