Halloween Safety Tips for Pets in Plantsville, CT

Halloween will be here soon, and many pet owners in Planstville are trying to decide if and how their pet will participate in Halloween festivities. At Apply valley Veterinarians, we like to help guide pet owners through this process.

Follow There Guidelines from our Plantsville Vet to Keep Your Pet Safe during Halloween

Halloween can be a fun time for pets as well as people, but it’s important to follow general safety guidelines to avoid injury or potential illness for your pet.

If your pet is going to dress up, make the costume safe

Your pet’s costume should not include long, trailing pieces of material, strings that can get wrapped around your pet’s body or a mask that could potentially block your pet’s field of vision. To ensure that your pet’s costume is safe, have your pet try it on in advance.

Dress your pet in reflective gear if he or she is going trick-or-treating

Pets can be difficult to see in the dark, so to protect your pet from oncoming cars, be sure to put reflective stickers on your pet’s costume, or dress your pet in a reflective vest when you go out.

Keep the Halloween candy safely out of your pet’s reach

Halloween candy is not good for pets, and some types of Halloween candy can be toxic for pets. Keep the candy up out of your pet’s reach in advance of the holiday, throughout Halloween night and after Halloween is over.

Pets who find strangers stressful should be kept away from the front door

If your pet shows signs of stress when strangers come to the door (barking, whimpering, aggressive behaviors, running to hide, etc), it’s likely that trick-or-treaters will put your pet through a great deal of stress. To protect your pet, keep your pet in an area of the house away from the front door on Halloween night.

Contact Our Veterinarians in Plantsville Today!

We want you and your pet to have a fun and safe Halloween. For more Halloween pet safety tips, contact Apply Valley Veterinarians at 860-628-9635.

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